
Gas & Electricity Suppliers in Ireland

Compare plans from all Irish gas and electricity suppliers

We compare price plans from all of Ireland's licensed gas & electricity suppliers

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bonkers.ie was the first energy price comparison service in Ireland to be awarded accreditation by Ireland’s independent energy regulator, the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU).

Frequently asked questions

What do I need to switch gas and electricity suppliers in Ireland?

You can switch gas and electricity suppliers in a few minutes online with these three pieces of information:

  1. Your MPRN an 11 digit number found at the top of your electricity bill.
  2. Your GPRN a 7 digit number found at the top of your gas bill.
  3. A recent meter reading from your electricity meter, gas meter or both.

To make sure that you’re switching to the very best plan available to you, it’s also recommended that you have a pretty good idea of how much gas and electricity you use per year, as well as the name of your existing price plan.

With these additional pieces of information, our comparison calculators can generate results personal to your particular usage patterns.

How many gas and electricity suppliers are there in Ireland?

There are a total of 11 gas and electricity suppliers in Ireland. Most of these supply both electricity and gas while a few others are single suppliers for electricity or gas.

Supplier Gas Electricity
Bord Gáis Energy
Community Power
Electric Ireland
SSE Airtricity
Yuno Energy

Which supplier has the cheapest gas and electricity prices?

The tables below show the cheapest gas, electricity and dual fuel price plans available in Ireland right now.

The calculations are based on the national average consumption, which is 4,200kWh for electricity and 11,000kWh for gas, and include all taxes and charges, including the PSO Levy, VAT, Carbon Tax and standing charges.

If you use more electricity and gas than the national average, your estimated year one cost will be bigger.

So, to be sure of finding the cheapest energy prices and best deals, it’s important to compare all gas and electricity suppliers in Ireland.

On bonkers.ie, you can enter your home’s exact consumption and see which supplier has the cheapest gas, electricity and dual fuel prices, based on how much you use. It’s the most accurate way to compare energy prices.

Which supplier has the cheapest electricity prices?

Supplier Price plan Year one cost
Yuno Energy 1 Year Smart Day/Night/Peak Fixed Electricity €1,254.95
Energia Smart Data €1,301.86
SSE Airtricity 1 Year Fixed Smart Day/Night/Peak (Direct Debit & eBill) €1,204.35
Bord Gáis Energy EV Smart Electricity 33% €1,221.88
Energia Standard Smart €1,318.64
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Which supplier has the cheapest gas prices?

Supplier Price plan Year one cost
SSE Airtricity Gas 20% (Direct Debit & eBill) €1,180.20
SSE Airtricity Gas 16% (Direct Debit & Post) €1,225.52
Flogas 1-Year Fixed Rate Gas €1,409.29
Bord Gáis Energy Gas 17% Discount €1,273.26
SSE Airtricity Gas 10% (No Direct Debit & eBill) €1,293.50
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Which supplier has the cheapest prices for gas and electricity?

Supplier Price plan Year one cost
SSE Airtricity 1 Year Fixed Smart Day/Night/Peak Dual Fuel (Direct Debit & eBill) €2,389.35
Energia Dual Smart Data €2,517.10
Energia Standard Smart Dual Fuel €2,533.36
SSE Airtricity 1 Year Fixed Dual Fuel (Direct Debit & eBill) €2,458.31
SSE Airtricity 1 Year Fixed Smart Everyday Dual Fuel (Direct Debit & eBill) €2,458.31
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Is it cheaper to get my gas and electricity from the same supplier?

It is marginally cheaper to get your gas and electricity from the same supplier.

If you consume the national average amount of gas, the cheapest gas price currently available from a single supplier is €1,180.20 over the course of a year.

The cheapest electricity price available from a single supplier is €1,254.95 over the course of a year.

So, if you get your gas and electricity from separate suppliers, your energy bill over the course of year will be €2,435.15.

However, if you get your gas and electricity from the same supplier, the cheapest price currently available is €2,389.35.

So, if you consume the national average amount of energy, it is €45.80 cheaper to get your gas and electricity from the same supplier.

Will comparing gas and electricity suppliers save me money?

The answer to this question is almost always yes, and here’s why:

Ireland now has a total of 11 gas and electricity suppliers, making for a very competitive energy market. To attract new customers, many suppliers offer discounted rates as sign up incentives, which can add up to savings of over €300 in your first year.

Most of these discounts expire after 12 months, or when your contract comes to an end, at which point your discounted rate revokes to standard pricing.

So, if you switch suppliers every 12 months, you’ll guarantee that you’ll always be on the best introductory rate in the process.

How much money will I save by comparing and switching gas and electricity suppliers?

Right now, customers on typical standard rates, consuming the national average amount of gas and electricity annually could save the following amounts in their first year by switching:

  • Customers who switch electricity suppliers can save €500
  • Customers who switch gas suppliers can €575
  • Customers who switch both electricity and gas to the same supplier can save €1,121

These figures will go up or down, depending on how much energy your household typically consumes. The more you use, the higher the savings figure will be.

How much you could switch (on average) by switching electricity suppliers:

Supplier and plan name Cost per kWh
(inc. VAT)
Annual standing charge Year one cost
(inc. VAT)
Savings in year one
Yuno Energy 1 Year Smart Day/Night/Peak Fixed Electricity 0 cent €264.73 €1,254.95 €500.60
Energia Smart Data 30.85 cent €236.62 €1,301.86 €453.69
SSE Airtricity 1 Year Fixed Smart Day/Night/Peak (Direct Debit & eBill) 24.58 cent €240.98 €1,204.35 €551.20
Bord Gáis Energy EV Smart Electricity 33% 0.73 cent €325.48 €1,221.88 €533.67
Energia Standard Smart 33.34 cent €236.62 €1,318.64 €436.91

How much you could switch (on average) by switching gas suppliers:

Supplier and plan name Cost per kWh
(inc. VAT)
Annual standing charge Year one cost
(inc. VAT)
Savings in year one
SSE Airtricity Gas 20% (Direct Debit & eBill) 8.24 cent €152.29 €1,180.20 €575.35
SSE Airtricity Gas 16% (Direct Debit & Post) 8.65 cent €152.29 €1,225.52 €530.03
Flogas 1-Year Fixed Rate Gas 10.18 cent €167.97 €1,409.29 €346.26
Bord Gáis Energy Gas 17% Discount 9.27 cent €131.69 €1,273.26 €482.29
SSE Airtricity Gas 10% (No Direct Debit & eBill) 9.27 cent €152.29 €1,293.50 €462.05

How much you could switch (on average) by switching both electricity and gas suppliers:

Supplier and plan name Cost per kWh
(inc. VAT)
Annual standing charge Year one cost
(inc. VAT)
Savings in year one
SSE Airtricity 1 Year Fixed Smart Day/Night/Peak Dual Fuel (Direct Debit & eBill) 24.58 cent

8.28 cent

€2,389.35 €1,121.75
Energia Dual Smart Data 30.08 cent

11.26 cent

€2,517.10 €994
Energia Standard Smart Dual Fuel 32.53 cent

8.9 cent

€2,533.36 €977.74
SSE Airtricity 1 Year Fixed Dual Fuel (Direct Debit & eBill) 24.58 cent

8.28 cent

€2,458.31 €1,052.79
SSE Airtricity 1 Year Fixed Smart Everyday Dual Fuel (Direct Debit & eBill) 1.09 cent

8.28 cent

€2,458.31 €1,052.79

How easy is it to switch gas and electricity suppliers?

Switching gas and electricity supplier is quick and easy and can all be done online in the space of a few minutes on bonkers.ie with no need to make any calls or deal with any messy paperwork.

How long does it take to switch electricity suppliers?

The switch process can all be done online and usually takes only a few minutes. You'll then be up and running and connected with your new supplier in a week or two, at which stage they'll write out to you to confirm. However there'll be no disruption to your supply during the switchover.

Can I switch energy supplier if in debt?

The vast majority of energy switches are processed normally however your switch may be blocked if you have a large amount of arrears on your account.

Can I change my electricity supplier if I rent?

There's no issue changing energy supplier if you rent. However it's usually a good idea to run it past your landlord first in case they have an agreement with another supplier which you may not know about.

Can I change energy supplier if I have a prepayment meter?

Yes. Just sign up to your new supplier on bonkers.ie. Then five days after placing your order you'll need to contact your prepay supplier and request a deactivation code, which you then enter into your prepay meter. This will turn off the prepay meter and activate the bill pay meter. There should be no disruption to your service service.

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