8 travel insurance myths dispelled
Theo Wooster

For some, it's an essential safety net, for others, an afterthought. With so much varying information out there, myths and misconceptions about travel insurance are aplenty.

While no one plans a holiday expecting something to go wrong, it can and does happen occasionally. With industrial action and climate change related events becoming seemingly more common, travel insurance offers peace of mind in the midst of volatile travel conditions.

However, the events that can impact a trip are varied and unique in every case. So to help clear up any confusion, we've break down some frequent misconceptions.

Myth #1: Travel insurance is just medical insurance

While medical coverage is a crucial aspect, travel insurance goes beyond that. It can cover trip cancellations due to unforeseen circumstances, lost luggage, travel delays, and even missed connections.

Different levels of cover offer varying amounts of medical cover. On bonkers.ie, this varies from €3 million for silver cover, up to €10 million with platinum level cover. 

While owning a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) entitles you to free or reduced cost healthcare in the EU/EEA and Switzerland, it does not necessarily cover everything. 

Particularly if travelling outside Europe, medical cover via travel insurance is an essential to prevent steep medical bills abroad.

Myth #2: Travel insurance is only for adventurous trips

Even the most relaxing vacations can be disrupted by unexpected events.

Most travel insurance claims are for relatively common and mundane events, such as sudden illness, flight cancellations and theft. 

In fact, accidents due to extreme activities such as shark diving and rock climbing may not be covered at all by travel insurance. 

Therefore, always read your policy documents before undertaking any dangerous pastimes abroad. 

Myth #3: My health insurance covers me abroad

While some health insurance plans offer limited overseas coverage, it's likely to be much less comprehensive than travel medical insurance. 

Travel insurance specifically designed for your trip destination can provide higher coverage limits and ensure you receive proper medical care abroad.

Additionally, if you have preexisting health insurance that covers you abroad for a minimum of €55,000 per person, and continues after your trip has finished, you could avail of a 10% discount on your travel insurance policy on bonkers.ie.

Myth #4: Travel insurance doesn’t cover strike action 

Insurance covers unforeseen events. Therefore, if strike action is announced after you have purchased a travel policy, you are likely to be able to make a claim. 

However, if you take out travel cover after industrial action is announced, it becomes a foreseen event, and will not be covered. 

Additionally, disruptive strike action by third parties, beyond an airline’s control, such as by baggage handlers or air traffic controllers, will usually not be covered by your policy.

The best advice is to always read your policy documents, be aware of ongoing industrial action, and to buy your travel insurance policy as soon as you book your trip. 

Myth #5: Travel insurance is expensive and not worth the cost

Think of travel insurance as an investment in peace of mind. 

The cost of a policy is usually a fraction of your overall trip expenses, particularly for longer summer holidays. 

But in the case of a disruption, it can save you a significant amount of money, especially when dealing with medical emergencies or trip cancellations.

Policies are available on bonkers.ie for under €10 for the most basic cover, and could potentially save you hundreds, if not thousands of euros, in the event of an emergency or disruption. The average claim sits between €800 and €1,200 - so the cost of travel insurance is a small fraction of the potential losses that could be incurred. 

Myth #6: I don't need travel insurance for short trips 

While the costs associated with long periods of travel often make travel insurance seem like a greater necessity, short trips should be covered as well. 

A major proportion of claims come from incidents at the point of travel - be it flight cancellations, sudden sickness, bereavement or loss of luggage in transit. 

Therefore, the potential for disruption to occur is heightened greatly during actual travel time, meaning that the risks exist whether you are abroad for three days or three months.

Myth #7: Claims are difficult to file and often denied

Most reputable travel insurance companies have streamlined claim processes. 

By carefully reading your policy and following the claim filing procedures, you can increase your chances of a successful claim.

This process is quick and easy, and claims are more often than not paid out. 

Myth #8: I can get travel insurance while I’m away

If you leave Ireland without cover, you will not be able to purchase travel insurance for your current trip. 

Therefore, if anything occurs, you will not be able to make a claim.

You can buy travel insurance on the day of travel, as long as it is before you leave the country. You can also buy travel insurance well in advance, or buy annual cover.

However a good habit is to purchase cover at the time of booking your trip. Try not leave it until the last minute. 

Get travel insurance with bonkers.ie

Purchase travel insurance on bonkers.ie in just a few clicks. Get a direct quote for single trip, annual multi-trip or winter sports insurance in minutes. 

Simply head over to our travel insurance page and start selecting the cover you need, today!

While you’re here, don’t forget to review your other household bills and compare deals for services such as energy, broadband, banking and insurance products.

Take a look at our travel insurance guides