Enter your cover amount to find the best policy for you
This amount will be paid out if you are diagnosed with a specified serious illness.
Bonkers Money Limited, trading as bonkers, is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.
What is serious illness cover?
Serious illness cover is a form of life insurance that will pay out a tax-free lump if you're diagnosed with an illness covered by your policy.
What are the benefits?
Peace of mind that you will be financially secure should you become unwell, at a modest monthly cost, is the main benefit.
Read our Quickstart Guide.Why use a broker?
Our advisers will explain the benefits and details of each policy on the market and match the most suitable one to you.
Get a free Serious Illness Cover quote.
Here's why you should use bonkers.ie to compare serious illness cover
We compare policy features and benefits across all of Ireland's leading serious illness providers. On our site you can:
- Get a quote in just minutes
- Apply for your policy online
- Get covered in less than 1 hour
To learn how you can get the best value serious illness cover on our site, check out our Quickstart Guide.

Is bonkers.ie really free?
Believe it or not, comparing and applying for serious illness cover on bonkers.ie is really free.
Once you apply for and purchase a policy from an insurance provider through bonkers.ie, we receive a commission from the insurer.

What is serious illness cover?
Serious illness cover (also known as specified illness cover) will pay out a tax-free lump sum to you if you're diagnosed with an illness covered by your policy.
Serious illness cover can be purchased as standalone cover or combined with life cover or mortgage protection under the one policy.
You can discover more about serious illness cover in this guide.

How to compare serious illness cover in Ireland
Comparing serious illness cover is easy with bonkers.ie.
All you need to do is tell us:
- Your age
- The amount of cover you want
- The term length you need
You'll then get your quote and can apply for your new policy.
Take a look at our guide on how to compare and apply for serious illness cover to learn more.

Compare premiums from Ireland's leading serious illness cover providers
Our serious illness cover comparison service lets you easily compare prices from Ireland's main insurance providers and is free, easy to use, and impartial.

We're regulated
Bonkers Money Limited, trading as bonkers, is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.
This reflects our continued commitment to providing independent, impartial, and accurate information and services.