MPRN stands for Meter Point Reference Number and is a unique 11-digit number that indicates the exact location of a property’s connection to Ireland’s electricity network.
Every connection and meter has its own MPRN, which is managed by ESB Networks. MPRNs are listed on all electricity bills and must be quoted when switching supplier.
Why do I need to know my MPRN?
You have to provide your MPRN in order to switch electricity supplier.
In order to compare the different electricity deals available in Ireland you will need to input your MPRN. Once this detail, along with the other information needed, is submitted into our comparison tool, we will be able to provide you with the best value electricity deals on the market.
On the other hand, if you’re switching gas supplier, you have to provide your GPRN.
Electricity suppliers need this number to determine the point on the national electricity network to which your property is connected. So, the number is needed to provide the electricity to your house.
How do I find my MPRN?
Your MPRN is printed on your electricity bill. The position of your MPRN number on your bill differs from supplier to supplier, but it will always be labelled as ‘MPRN’ and will look something like 10009998888.
I recently moved, what’s my MPRN?
If you recently moved into a new apartment or house and don’t have any previous bills, you should ask your landlord or the previous occupiers for an old bill to get your new home’s MPRN.
It’s important to note that your MPRN is attached to the location of your home, not to your supplier or yourself. So, every time you move, you’ll need to find out what your new code is. Also, whenever you change supplier, your MPRN stays the same.
A last resort for getting your MPRN is to call ESB Networks on 1850 372 757 and request it. This is also the best way to find your numbers if you’re moving into a brand new house that has just been built.
You're ready to switch and save!
Once you have your MPRN, you’re ready to switch electricity supplier.
You can easily switch electricity supplier online using our energy comparison service. It’s quick and easy and lets you compare deals from Ireland’s main energy providers in just a few clicks.
Before you make the switch and begin saving, make sure you have a look at the following helpful articles:
- Learn everything you need to know about the energy comparison and switching process so that you can find the best electricity deal on the market.
- Take a look at our guide on how to switch energy supplier.
- Check out our frequently asked switching questions, which will help make the switching process easier.
- Here are 10 important terms to know when switching energy supplier, which will help you switch with ease.
Get in touch with us
If you have any energy-related questions, feel free to reach out to us on social media. We’re on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.