Moving home or abroad: Considerations for Irish citizens and expats
Caoimhe Bermingham
Staff Writer

From cancelling your broadband bundle to reinstating your insurance policies upon your return, to applying for a mortgage! In this guide, we outline the different considerations covered in the moving abroad or home Irish expat guide series.

For generations, emigration has been a right of passage for countless Irish people searching for new opportunities and sunnier beaches. 

Although 29,600 Irish nationals returned ready to re-establish their roots and set up shop here in Ireland between 2022-2023,  30,500 hopped on a plane and joined the rest of the Irish diaspora scattered across the globe.

To make the emigration and returning processes as easy as possible for you, we have created an Irish expat guide series. 

This series aims to ensure that you are fully equipped and informed about the different insurance and banking options available to you, how to cancel your energy and broadband plans when you leave and what you will need to apply for a mortgage once you return to Ireland. 

Learn about your banking options and how to cancel your utility bills

In this guide, we discuss whether or not you should keep your Irish current account open when you move abroad as well as the benefits of having an account with digital banks like Revolut and N26. 

We explore the reasons why keeping your current account may come in handy such as: 

  • The ability to build up a credit history in Ireland which will help you secure a mortgage upon your return
  • The ability to transfer funds to your friends and relatives at home when you’re away
  • To have access to an emergency stash of cash 

Lastly, we explain how to handle your direct debits, in particular, your energy and broadband bills when emigrating. 

Find out how moving abroad will affect your car insurance

Are you unsure about what to do with your car insurance in Ireland when you go away? Are you worried you could lose your no-claims bonus and might have to pay an expensive premium next time you apply for car insurance here?

If any of this sounds familiar to you, then check out our car insurance guide for Irish expats. Here, we talk you through your options from continuing to pay for your policy when away, to suspending it. 

You will also find out if your driving history abroad will be taken into account here, what to do if you are refused cover when you come home, and how to exchange your foreign driving licence for an Irish one. 

Discover how emigrating can impact your insurance policies

In this insurance-focused guide, we look at how home, health, life, and mortgage protection insurance are affected by you moving away and what the options and procedures you must do to ensure you are covered financially if an accident were to occur. 

Take life insurance for example, did you know if you live in a high-risk country for over a month, you may be required to undergo a medical exam to test for certain illnesses before you receive a life insurance quote? 

Or that there is a specific type of home insurance cover, known as ‘unoccupied home insurance’ designed for people who are going away for long periods of time?

If your answer to these questions were no, then this article is perfect for you!

How to prepare for your mortgage application when you move home

Are you hoping to get your foot on the property ladder as soon as you step foot on Irish soil again? 

If so, then check out our 9 top tips to best prepare you for applying for a mortgage once you return to Ireland

Here, we explain the importance of making regular savings deposits and maintaining a healthy credit history while abroad, as well as why you need to have secured a permanent job in Ireland before your application will be considered by mortgage lenders. 

You will also discover the different types of mortgages and mortgage schemes available to returned Irish expats, and the deposit requirements for each type. 

Save money on

We understand that returning home can be an overwhelming experience as you have so many things to sort out!

Fear not, at, we are here to help!

We have a range of free comparison services for you to use that will help you find the best value deals across energy, broadband, banking, and insurance products. 

Take a look at our other articles

If you found this guide informative, why not take a look at some of our other pieces?For those of you about to go abroad, check out these articles:

If you have just returned home and are ready to start your life here in Ireland, then our range of Quickstart Guides may come in handy for you. 

You can stay up-to-date with the latest news by reading our blogs and guide pages.

Get in touch

Do you have any queries about moving abroad or returning home to Ireland? If so, send us a message today on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.