Help Centre

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the cheapest gas and electricity supplier at the moment?

There’s no one provider that will be the cheapest for everyone. The cheapest gas and electricity provider for you will depend on:

  • Who your current provider is
  • Whether you’re an urban or rural customer (rural customers will pay more)
  • What type of meter you have
  • How much energy you use
  • Whether you’re an urban or rural customer

By using our free comparison tool, we’ll compare deals against your current tariff, so you can see the savings to be made.

Discover how to run an energy comparison in this guide, and how to make the switch here.

I carried out an energy comparison but not many switching deals are showing up. Why is this?

Unfortunately, some suppliers have temporarily removed the switching option from our website as they are struggling to meet demand.

You can still compare energy prices on by selecting ‘No’ to the question “Only show sign up offers available”.

Once you have chosen the supplier you would like to go with, you will need to contact them directly to place your order.

I just switched energy provider and my new provider increased prices. Should I switch again?

Due to the ongoing energy crisis, all suppliers have recently increased their prices and we will likely experience more price hikes in the coming months.

Even if you have recently switched suppliers, it’s important to keep in mind that you’re still getting a discount off the standard unit rate. This discount percentage won’t change throughout the duration of your contract.

However, if you do want to switch again you can do so within 14 days of your new contract starting without any penalties. This is known as a a cooling-off period.

If it’s been more than 14 days, in order to exit your new contract you will have to pay an early exit fee. This usually costs €50 per fuel.

I have placed my switch order for gas and/or electricity. Do I need to contact my previous supplier to let them know I’m leaving?

If you have switched energy supplier through we will inform your existing supplier of your intention to leave.

If you switch to another provider before your contract is up, any exit fees you’ll be charged will be noted on your final bill from that supplier.

Is it possible to get a fixed energy tariff, so that rates don’t change within the contract term?

There are no gas or electricity suppliers in Ireland offering fixed-rate energy tariffs. Suppliers only offer variable rate tariffs.

What does it mean by variable rate energy tariff?

With a variable rate tariff, the standard unit rate of gas or electricity can change at any point during your contract. The rate can either decrease or increase.

However, if you switch energy supplier, you will receive a discount off the standard unit rate, which stays the same for the duration of your contract, e.g. 20% off.

How can I be put on a feed-in tariff so that I can be paid for the energy my solar panels produce?

Under the Government’s new micro-generation scheme, if your solar panels produce excess electricity, you may be able to sell it back to your supplier. This energy can be put back into the national grid and be used to power homes and businesses.

If you are interested in the micro-generation scheme, you should contact your supplier directly as the tariffs aren’t publicly available yet.

You can learn more about the scheme in our article on the topic.

How do I read my smart meter?

Smart meter have four possible readings:

  • Total meter reading (This will be the default screen)
  • Daytime reading (8am - 11pm)
  • Night time reading (11pm - 8am)
  • {energy-use}
  • Peak time reading (5pm - 7pm)

You can learn how to read your smart meter in this guide.

I switched energy suppliers last week and have not received my welcome pack yet. How long will this take?

Switching times vary between suppliers but most switches will be completed within 5 to 10 working days.

Once your switch has been fully processed you'll receive a welcome pack from your new supplier, either by post or email, which will include your new account number.

Sometimes, it can take longer for the supplier to fully complete the switch for reasons beyond our control. Your switch may also be delayed if there is outstanding information, such as a meter reading, that needs to be submitted.

I have placed my switch order for broadband. Do I need to contact my previous supplier to let them know I’m leaving?

If you have switched broadband provider through we will inform your existing supplier of your intention to leave.

Even if you’re out of contract and you decide to switch, usually you need to give your current supplier at least 30 days' notice that you're leaving.

After notifying your provider, you’ll have to return any equipment within this timeframe. If you fail to return the equipment specified by your supplier, you may be liable to additional charges.

You can learn about the broadband cancellation process here.
Compare, Switch, Save is a trading style of Bonkers Money Ltd. registered office Nutley Building, Nutley Lane, Dublin 4. Registered in Ireland, company number 477742.

Our logo and the word bonkers® are registered trademarks of Bonkers Money Limited and may not be used or reproduced without prior written permission.

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