Press Room

  • See our media contacts
  • Policies for press mentions
  • Policies for product mentions

Media Contacts

Policy for press mentions

When quoting a representative in broadcast, digital or print media, please use the following convention : '(Contributor's name), of product comparison and switching site,'.

When quoting a representative in digital media, it is requested that a link to is included.

    image-Policy for press mentions

    Policy for product mentions

    When referencing a comparison conducted on, it is requested that the complete name of the product, as well as the products to which it is being compared are clearly stated.

    Additionally, it is requested that the date on which the comparison was conducted is clearly stated and that is cited as the source.

      image-Policy for product mentions

      Policy for "Lower-Third"

      For TV Lower Third please use the contributor name, with their title and "".

      For David Kerr use: "David Kerr" , CEO & Founder of

      For Daragh Cassidy use: "Daragh Cassidy", Head of Communications of

        image-Policy for "Lower-Third"

        bonkers logo logo
        Compare, Switch, Save is a trading style of Bonkers Money Ltd. registered office Nutley Building, Nutley Lane, Dublin 4. Registered in Ireland, company number 477742.

        Our logo and the word bonkers® are registered trademarks of Bonkers Money Limited and may not be used or reproduced without prior written permission.

        Bonkers Money Limited, trading as bonkers, is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.

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